Frédéric Matan, the connected stone carver, Best Craftsman of France

Frédéric Matan conducts creation, interior design and restoration for individuals, private companies or public communities and French administration.
Frederic Matan is recognized by Monuments of France and he often works on most well know historical monuments.
In 2004 his skillfulness is officially distinguished by his peers and he has been rewarded as a Best Craftsman of France (‘Meilleur Ouvrier de France’) as a Stone Carver and Sculptor. The title of Best Craftsman of France is the result of many years of work and personal research.
Learn more on our way of working, the kind of materials we use, the type of stones we employ. We work with modern and performing devices to guarantee a high level of quality and to make work easier for our employees. The stone carving workshop can contain a large amounts of stones.

Haussmann facades
Frédéric Matan is proud to present his last big project of a restoration of Haussmann facades. He must rebuild every balcony of the building, recreate the statues and the moldings preserving the identity of the proprety. The french stone carver can restore or create Haussmann architecture.
880 m² for facades and 8 tonnes of stones to change
Our last news

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Reconstruction of Notre-Dame de Paris
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Prize giving of Lépine competition 2019
On Sunday 20th of October, it’s with a big smile that Frédéric Matan was honored to receive two silver medals for his connected plates in